
唐娜•莱特 Launches Innovative Competency Prioritization with OnSomble Partnership


唐娜•莱特 Launches Innovative Competency Prioritization with OnSomble Partnership

田纳西州纳什维尔.8月. 31, 2020 /美通社/——世界知名胜任力专家 唐娜•莱特 and Creative Health Care Management (CHCM) have partnered with OnSomble to develop the only platform that truly empowers organizations to operationalize and leverage the Wright Competency Model to seamlessly prioritize and manage their competency needs while also tracking completion documentation for each employee.


唐娜•莱特 highlights that the platform allows healthcare organizations the opportunity to focus their time and attention on substance rather than form. "The Platform is built on three important pillars to support ownership, 赋权, 以及胜任力过程中的责任,赖特指出. “首先, it ensures that executives and leaders can clearly communicate their strategic vision and goals to the entire organization through a process of identification and prioritization of competencies. 第二个, it provides a streamlined gap analysis that empowers each unit and department to identify what competencies are most needed in their specific context at any given point in time. 第三, it automatically generates individualized and user-friendly competency dashboards that preserve each person's ownership and accountability in their competency verification and documentation process."


“我们的许多医疗保健客户已经在使用 唐娜·赖特的 胜任力模型。 Enderson米兰达他是OnSomble的首席执行官. “因此, partnering with Donna and CHCM to develop an innovative platform to further operationalize and automate the competency process was a natural way to build tremendous value for all stakeholders. The platform completely honors the intent and essence of the Wright Competency Model. Donna was intimately involved in the development of the platform working alongside our software developers, which allowed us to build a truly unique and scalable platform to support any organization that currently utilizes or plans on implementing Donna's competency model."

The Competency Prioritization and Management platform is seamlessly integrated as a new component of the Creative Health Care Insight (CHCI) Platform, which supports several aspects of healthcare organizations' strategic needs, 包括ANCC 磁铁®和Pathways to Excellence®支持, 领导力电竞赛事竞猜APP, 文化转型. 玛丽Koloroutis, CHCM首席执行官, explains the importance of incorporating the Wright Competency Model with the CHCI platform. "Having spent four decades working with healthcare organizations, I know how important it is to strengthen the capacity of individuals, 团队, 整个系统. I believe the CHCI Competency Prioritization and Management Platform offers meaningful, 实现这一目标的可衡量的机会, while helping organizations demonstrate their work to The Joint Commission and other regulatory bodies in an efficient and effective way."

唐娜•莱特 offers education and consultation based on her bestselling books. Thousands of organizations around the world have embraced the 唐娜•莱特 Model of Competency Assessment and have created meaningful, 可管理的, and highly successful strategies for competency assessment. 唐娜·赖特的 book 'The Ultimate Guide Competency Assessment in Health Care' has sold over 25,全球5000册, becoming the most trusted resource on competency assessment available. She is also a contributing author in the book Advancing Relationship-Based Cultures. Donna is a sought-after team and 领导力电竞赛事竞猜APP consultant and speaker. She loves operationalizing systems within organizations that ensure accountability and measure competency.

关于OnSomble, Inc.  
OnSomble provides organizations with individualized adaptive learning platforms for professional development, 继续教育, 个性化的学习, 能力管理. OnSomble's solutions empower organizations to efficiently allocate evidence-based content and education resources, utilize key metrics and data analytics to pinpoint opportunities for development, 衡量关键的人口统计和认证数据, and create individual self-development dashboards that support employee engagement. 我们是评估的先驱, 报告, and developing professional role competency through evidence-based management theories and skill acquisition models. 有关OnSomble的更多信息,请访问

CHCM partners with health care organizations to improve quality, 安全, 病人的经验, 员工和医生满意度, 通过改善人际关系来提高财务绩效. 在过去的四十年里, CHCM has helped transform health care with Relationship-Based Care (RBC), 提供全面的磁铁®准备服务, 并彻底改变了能力评估领域. CHCM's interprofessional team has partnered with health care organizations of all sizes on five continents on everything from one-day presentations, 组织和系统范围的评估, 持续多日的研讨会, 以及多年的RBC实施和磁铁®旅程. CHCM provides thought leadership not only through consultation, but through the publication of numerous award winning and bestselling books. For more information about Creative Health Care Management, visit

1-800-242-0386 ext.11

﹐®, 磁铁®, and Pathways to Excellence® are registered trademarks of the American Nurses Credentialing Center. The products and services of Creative Health Care Management and OnSomble are neither sponsored nor endorsed by ANCC. 版权所有.


来源:OnSomble, Inc.

